Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Hearing Youth Voices During a Crisis EVCS

Now, maybe more than ever, we need to let our students' voices be heard.  As classrooms move to distance learning and kids are inundated with outside messages, both positive and negative, how can we as educators provide them a space to share what is truly important to them?  

WNYNET is hoping to continue allowing young people from our community to express themselves in a safe, meaningful space.  Like life itself, this event will look much different than it has in the past.  But, as they say, the show must go on.  

Last year I brought my 7th grade students to Buffalo State College to present their This I Believe... essays.  These were presented in two formats - spoken word or audio recording.  Below are examples of this project.  

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7th Graders Write Social Justice Short Stories!

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